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너무나 신기한 마술입니다.

이보규 2008. 12. 30. 23:47

                     너무나 신기한 마술입니다


너무나 신기한 마술입니다.
즐거운 시간되세요...
※.아래 주소를 클릭 하세요!

David Copperfield Death Saw
David Copperfield - Levitation (...actually flying)
David Copperfield Laser Illusion
David Copperfield and The Great Wall of China
Statue of Liberty Disappears David Copperfield
David Copperfield - Portal - The most amazing illusion ever
David Copperfield and Spirits
David Copperfield - Orient Express
David Copperfield , Old Magic
David Copperfield- Funny Duck Magic
David Copperfield Cards Trick ilizyon